Do you need help with your puppy?

Do you need help with your puppy?

Fed up with the puddles on the floor, the sharp teeth, your puppy swinging from your trouser hem? New puppies are a bundle of fun but do need to have some rules and boundaries. I can help you with toilet training, bite inhibition, jumping up, chewing, diet and pack leadership. I can also show you how to socialize your puppy properly, which games to play, how to introduce a collar and lead plus basic training.


At 2 – 3 months your puppy should be learning:

Routine: Your puppy should learn where his food and water bowls are, what time of day he eats. Where his bed is and what time he goes to bed. What time he gets up. Where his toys are.  Where he goes to the toilet, etc.

Crate Training: Puppy should learn that the crate is his special den, somewhere he can go to feel safe. That he should stay there quietly at bedtime and at times during the day.

Praise and Correction Words: Puppy needs to learn what GOOD means.  To look happy and wag his tail when you say GOOD DOG.  To learn what NO means. To stop what he is doing when you say NO or AH-AH.

Toilet training: Puppy needs to learn where he can go to the toilet.

Handling: Teach puppy to sit, stand and open his mouth, brush his coat and his teeth.  He needs to learn to be handled all over,  feet, ears, tail etc.

Gentle:  Puppy needs to learn to take things gently from your hand.

Bite Inhibition: Puppy needs to learn not to bite hard or to nip.

Food Words: Dinner, Biscuit etc.

Socialisation: You should be introducing you puppy to as many new things as possible i.e. car journeys, people, children, busses, lots of different noises. Also carry him along busy roads, high streets and around the park.


At  3 – 6 months your puppy should be learning:

1. Name: To look at you when you say his name.

2. Sit: To sit on command.

3. Down: To lie down on command.

4.  Stand: To stand up on command.

5. Look: To look at you on command.

6. Heel: To walk politely on the lead.

7. Recall: To come when called.

8. Stay: To stay in one position for 5 minutes.

9. Leave: To leave things when told.

10. Off: To get off furniture or stop jumping up when told.

11. Wait: To wait inside the door or gate, even when it is open.

12. Interact: To interact well with strangers, dogs and other animals.

13. Give: To give or drop whatever he has in his mouth.

14. Barking: To stop barking when you tell him to be quiet.

15.Games: To play games like Fetch, Hide and Seek etc.